Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Planning a scooter trip around Taiwan 台灣

Since arriving in Taiwan I wanted to go on a scooter trip around the island. As I wasn't going home for the summer vacation, and had no classes, I decided it was time for my trip. The last weekend before the summer vacation I started planning my trip. It was easy deciding where to go. I drew a map of Taiwan, and marked the major cities on it. I decided to make it a 13 day trip, going from Chiayi (嘉義)to Taichung City (台中市), then on to Hsinchu City (新竹市). From Hsinchu I would go to Taipei (台北), and then to Yilan (宜蘭). From Yilan I would go to Hualien City (花蓮市), where I planned to spend three days. Then I'd travel through the East Rift Valley or Hua-Tung Valley (花東縱谷) to Taitung (台東), spend a day or two there, and then ride to Kaohsiung City (高雄市), and from there back to Chiayi City (嘉義市).
Finding accomodation and making reservations was more difficult, and took a long time. It's easy to find hostels and cheap hotels in the cities. I had a limited budget, and finding affordable accomodation in smaller towns can be a problem if you can't speak or read Chinese. With Jay's help everything was sorted out, deposits paid, and all the info printed. I had maps, brochures and the Lonely Planet guide ready for my trip.
Next time I'll start telling you about the trip, and all the ups and downs of travelling alone!!

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