Friday, September 04, 2009


After a good night's sleep, I woke up early on Monday, July 6th, to continue my trip. I first had breakfast, and went for a walk in Taichung Park (台中公園). I quickly went back to the hotel, got all my stuff, and set out for Hsinchu City (新竹市). I rode on Provincial Highway 3 (台3線 ) to Fengyuan City (豐原市), and from there on Provincial Highway 13 (台13線) to Houli (后里). From Houli I took a county road to Provincial Highway 1 (台1線).
I travelled to Hsinchu a few times during the past 5 years and decided not to stop at to many places. There are a few interesting places to visit, like the Flying Cow Ranch (飛牛牧場), Tongsiao West Shore Ocean Ecological Education Park (通霄西濱海洋生態教育園區) and Tongsiao QiuMao Garden (通霄秋茂園) in Tongxiao Township (通霄鎮). I stopped at the CiYun Temple (慈雲寺) in Yuanli (苑裡) to take a rest. From there I rode to Sihu Township (西湖鄉).
Arriving in Sihu, I went to the Matsu Rock Sculpture (西湖媽祖石雕) in Sanhe Village (三湖村). The holy statue of the Matsu Rock Sculpture has a total height of 26.66 m. Assembled from 299 pieces of Granite 603, this statue was beautifully accomplished in Macau () in 1998. It was regarded as the world’s tallest Matsu Rock Sculptured Statue with total height of 19.99 m. Despite being a landmark and popular scenic spot of Sihu Township, the Matsu Rock Sculptured Statue is also a religious center for many believers.
I then rode through Houlong (後龍) and stopped at the Dragon (Longhe) Palace (龍湖宮) in Zaociao Township (造橋鄉). The temple is next to the Longsheng Lake (龍昇湖). In the gardens around the temple you'll find statues of the Laughing Buddha (笑佛), Sun Wukong, the Monkey King (),and the Four heavenly kings (Sì Tiānwáng 四天王). The Four Heavenly Kings are also known as the Door Gods. They are the protectors of the world and fighters of evil, each able to command a legion of supernatural creatures to protect the Dharma. Zēng Zhǎng Tiān (增長天)wears a sword, Chí Guó Tiān (持國天) is the guy with the guitar (pipa) , Duō Wén Tiān (多聞天) carries the “Umbrella of Chaos”, and Guăng Mù Tiān (廣目天) has a man-eating snake.
After riding 160 km, I reached the Eastdoor Hostel (東門雅舍) in Hsinchu City (新竹市) at about 2 o'clock the afternoon. Later that afternoon I went to the 17 Kilometers of Splendid Coastline (17公里海岸風景區). I stopped at the Splendor Coastline (風情海岸). Splendor Coastline adjoins the largest wetland in northern Taiwan - Xianshan Wetland (香山溼地) where the beauty of the sunset was recorded as one of the eight attractions in Hsinchu in a Ching Dynasty document. This wetland has been designated as a wildlife reservation. The stone with the carving of Splendor Coastline (風情海岸) by which Vice President Lu named the city's coastline, and restrooms transformed from pillboxes are the most renowned attractions there.
I then rode on, past the Rainbow Bridge (彩虹大橋), Haishan Harbor Sea Viewing Stage (海山漁港觀海平台), Blue Sky Bridge (藍天橋), and White Cloud Bridge (白雲橋) and stopped at the Nangang Bird Watching Area (南港賞鳥區). I took a few photos of the not-so-beautiful beach, and then walked to the White Cloud Bridge and Blue Sky Bridge to take a few photos. By the time I got back to the Nangang Bird Watching Area it was already dark and time to head back to the city.

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